******************************************************************************** PLDoc utility for documenting PL/SQL code ========================================= Copyright (C) 2002 Albert Tumanov (altumano at users.sourceforge.net) $Id: changes.txt 68 2011-08-30 21:45:46Z sturton $ Project directory: http://pldoc.sourceforge.net ******************************************************************************** CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.9.3: * New: pom.xml now supports: skipping PLSQL.jj generation (and subsequent unnecessary JavaCC and Javac steps) use "skipJavacc=true" on the comnmand line file-based integration tests from pldoc_test.sh/pldoc_test.bat * Changes: module HTML pages are now encoded as UTF-8 rather than ISO-8859-1, preventing corruption of module pages Bundled example scripts now run against bundled samples directory Site menu link to Sourceforge development site corrected CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.9.2: * New: Maven now creates ZIP, TGZ, and TBZ bundles of JAR files, scripts and sample files * Changes: Object/file parsing messages are now suppressed by default: use the new -verbose flag to display them Site Download menu option now links to download page containing links to JAR files and bundles * New: Now supported:- Collections (see test/TestDoc3/cand2172_tab.html) Object Types (see test/testinput/objecttypes, test/TestDoc3/cand2169_t.html) Schema-level Procedures and Functions(see test/testinput/schemalevel) 11g Triggers (see test/testinput/11g-source, test/TestDoc3/_test_user.html Conditional Compilation tokens (see test/TestDoc3/_global.html#prc_conditional) Q-quoted strings (normal cases - see test/TestDoc3/pkg_qstrings.html) Default values (see test/testinput/datetime-source/pkg_datetime_literals.pks, test/TestDoc3/pkg_datetime_literals.html) Most unreserved words (see test/TestDoc3/pkg_test_unreserved_keyword.html) Split operators " 1 ! /* comment ... */ = 2 " (see test/TestDoc3/split_operators.html) Document schema-level functions and procedures within faux-package of the form "_SCHEMA-NAME" inline tags (see test/testinput/objecttypes/TY_FIELD_AGGREGATOR.tps, test/TestDoc3/ty_field_aggregator.html) * New: Maven now creates 2 artefacts (original JAR and a standalone JAR containing all required classes) * Changed: PLDoc repository moved to Subversion Reuse cursors to prevent MAX_CURSORS exceeded problems Allow case of identifiers and keywords to be specified (deviating from defaults would require stylesheet rewrite) Attempt to automatically generate HTML links between objects Extract metadata using specified SQL92 callable statement (for EnterpriseDB PLDoc generation) * Fixed: lots CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.9.0: * New: pldoc maven 2 pom has been added, with maven 2 plugin (2.0) * New: synchronization with central maven repo initiated: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-2349 * Fixed: cur dir issue, part of the documentation could be generated in a different folder. * Changed: in pldoc.bat, pldoc.sh, removed obsolete Oracle jars and added new Oracle Jdbc driver ojdbc14 * Changed: Oracle classes not necessary for building * Fixed: SET Causes an error (#1433480) * Fixed: Use of GLOBAL keyword in a package name (#1464791) CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.8.3: * New: added support for generating documentation from the Oracle dictionary (Oracle 9i or above). * New: improved format of the HTML output: - changed index.xsl to create the 3-frame view (as in normal javadoc) - added output for schema overview in upper left frame - changed output for list view in lower left frame - added overviews/summaries * Fixed: corrected the suggested CVSROOT in readme.txt * Fixed: Error using a doctitle other than "Sample Application" (#999222) * Fixed: Error when parameter is DEFAULT (2) (#1028068) * Changed: use single quotes in pldoc_example.bat (to work on Windows XP) CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.8.2: * New: initial support for parsing tables and views (only simpler cases yet) * New: in application.xml, use instead of and instead of (code submitted by Steve Holt) * Fixed: Keyword PIPELINED unknown (#939294) * Fixed: invocation of pldoc.bat fails when pldoc is installed into directory with spaces in the path (#876225) * Fixed: Runtime/command line parameter to skip unparsable files (#832509) * Fixed: corrected name extracting for multiple-word datatypes (like LONG RAW and REF CURSOR) * Fixed: unable to use timestamp with time zone data type (#971941) CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.8.1: * New: Ant task (#769012) * Changed: all source files moved to src directory * Changed: build-related files moved to build directory * Changed: pldoc.jar now contains also *.xsl, *.css and *.dtd files * Fixed: lower case pragma causes error (#827062) * Fixed: dumps on reserved word DETERMINISTIC (#711093) * Fixed: NULL modifier in the COLUMN definition (#831256) CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.8: * Changed: Xalan jars upgraded from version 2.2.D14 to 2.5.1 * New: option -inputencoding to specify character encodings of input files * New: show types defined in package spec (#638551) * New: Better anchors (#650466) * New: Align func/proc parameters by the first (#650501) * New: Add a command line options to control case convertion (#771453) * Fixed: documentation typo (#731017) * Fixed: PLDoc does not work on JDK below 1.3 (#751296) * Fixed: VARRAY bug (#765345) * Fixed: parameter mode (OUT, IN OUT) not shown (#804634) * Fixed: show DEFAULT value for parameters (#809871) CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.7: * Implemented: Package comments more conveniently (#644050) * Implemented: make documentation part of the distribution (#692488) * Implemented: Beginner Drag-and-drop (#696678) * Implemented: Support SQL*Plus substitution variables (#723291) * Fixed: -doctitle option and sentence argument (#663581) * Fixed: Parser fails if: "end; -- end package" (#700040) CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.6.8: * Fixed: Procedure w/o params appears as variable (#643043) * Fixed: Wrong api gen for overloaded procedures (#652703) * Fixed: Field Details not generated (#653029) * Fixed: CRLF removed from overview document (#653408) * Fixed: The first sentence extraction incorrect (#654037) * Implemented: The classes should be in packages (#643037) * Implemented: Change license to LGPL (#647744) * Implemented: Do not sort field/method details section (#654036) * Enhanced: classes packed into pldoc.jar * Enhanced: show PLDoc version number CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.6.7: * Fixed: Allow multiple @throws like @param (#637931) * Fixed: error parsing REF object_type * Implemented: Support 9iR2 assoc array index types (#592444) * Implemented: Treat constants in package spec as field (#556039) * Enhanced: run pldoc from any directory (thanks to Kim Jersin) * Enhanced: show fully qualified names of datatypes CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.6.6: * Fixed: @deprecated of function makes pack. deprecated (#594662) * Fixed: @param MUST be followed by ONE space (#594668) * Fixed: Space missing in output when joining lines (#595625) * Enhanced: now using Ant for building CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.6.5: * Added: @throws tag support in function/procedure comments * Added: @deprecated tag support in package/function/procedure comments * Fixed: parsing prefixed function calls CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.6.1: * Fixed: bug causing IndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing comments * Fixed: allow HTML in @return description * Changed: in samples, @headcom tag moved to the end of comment CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.6: * Changed: in formal comments, tags section must be after the main text, not before * Added: declaration Java stored procedures can be parsed * Removed: Use and Package links * Enhanced: parameter names are shown in lowercase * Fixed: @param description may span on the next line * Fixed: strings may contain whatever symbols except closing quote CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.5: * Added: cursors can now be parsed in package specs * Added: some simple Java stored procedure callspecs can be parsed * Fixed: lowercase procedures did not show up * Fixed: error when overview file not specified * Fixed: quoted identifier support * Fixed: parsing mixed-type expressions * Fixed: parsing REF CURSOR declarations * Fixed: allow < and > in informal comments * Fixed: package name can be reserved word CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.4: * Fixed: added date expressions * Fixed: variable names in expressions can have dot inside * Added: -overview option, allows to specify file with summary text * Added: UNIX shell scripts make.sh and pldoc.sh CHANGES IN RELEASE 0.3: * Record types supported * All expressions (boolean, numeric, character, date) supported * Allows to specify the output directory * Custom stylesheet file can be used (using the -stylesheetfile option) * Copies stylesheet.css the output directory ********************************************************************************