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PLDoc is available as JAR files and as ready to use bundles of JAR files and scripts.

JAR files

These files may be used to refresh an existing PLDoc installation: pre-0.9.1 installations should use the first JAR file.

JAR files
Latest PLDoc CPD JAR Latest PLDoc CPD JAR (including referenced classes)


The bundles are the easiest way of installing and running PLDoc CPD. All bundles contain scripts for Windows and Unix/Linux: with Oracle JDBC drivers you have immediate access to PLDoc CPD.

ZIP bundle TGZ bundle TBZ bundle


Download a PLDoc CPD bundle and unzip/untar the bundle. All bundles contain scripts for Windows and Unix/Linux.

If you do not already have Oracle access via JDBC, download Oracle JDBC drivers suitable for your Java version (Java 6 is recommended).

Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the location of the directory containing the JDBC JAR files: the scripts assume that the JDBC JAR files are located under ${ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib (Normal Oracle installation) or $ORACLE_HOME (Oracle Instant Client installation).

  • Windows
     SET ORACLE_HOME=<Folder Path>


     SET ORACLE_HOME=C:\Applications\Oracle\JDBC
  • Unix/Linux
     ORACLE_HOME=<Folder Path> ; export ORACLE_HOME


     ORACLE_HOME=/var/app/oracle/product/JDBC ; export ORACLE_HOME

    Alternatively, download Oracle Instant Client and follow the Installation instructions. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the location of the expanded Instant Client files.

    Check that installation has been successful:

  • Windows
     cpd Samples/*.sql 
  • Unix/Linux Samples/*.sql