Maven PLDoc Plugin Settings Property | Optional | Description | Example |
maven.pldoc.application.title | Yes | Name of the application, appears in the generated documentation. Default value is $ | |
maven.pldoc.src.dir | Yes | The location of the PL/SQL source code. Default value is $basedir/src/main/sql | | | Yes | The location of the generated documentation (HTML files). Default value is $ | |
maven.pldoc.includes | Yes | Specifies a list of patterns to include in the documentation generation process. Default value is **/*.sql | |
maven.pldoc.inputEncoding | Yes | The encoding used in the input files. Default value is the operating system default encoding. | |
maven.pldoc.namesCase | Yes | Desired output format for PL/SQL identifiers- it has 4 options:-"lower" (coerce all names to lower case), "upper" (coerce all names to upper case), "mixed" (all names are left as-is, relying on the coder to ensure that case matches) and "default" (Oracle default: unquoted names are upper case, quoted names are mixed case). | |
maven.pldoc.overviewFile | Yes | The overview file in HTML format. | |
maven.pldoc.stylesheet | Yes | File with CSS-stylesheet for the result documentation. If omitted, default CSS will be used. | |
maven.pldoc.sourcestylesheet | Yes | File with CSS-stylesheet for any saved source code (see savesourcecode). If omitted, default CSS will be used. | |
maven.pldoc.namescase | Yes | Upper/lower case to format PL/SQL names. If omitted, no case conversion is done. | upper |
maven.pldoc.exitonerror | Yes | "yes" forces program exit when some input file cannot be processed. If "no" (the default), the file is skipped and processing continues. | |
maven.pldoc.dbUrl | Yes | JDBC URL to connect to the target database - jdbc:oracle:thin:@//HOST:PORT/SERVICE or SID | jdbc:oracle:thin:@// |
maven.pldoc.dbUser | Yes | Database user name - the user should have execute privilege to the PL/SQL or should have SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE | |
maven.pldoc.dbPassword | Yes | Database user password | |
maven.pldoc.inputTypes | Yes | Comma-separated list of Oracle Object types which should be parsed from the data dictionary | PROCEDURE,FUNCTION,TRIGGER,PACKAGE,TYPE,PACKAGE BODY,TYPE BODY |
maven.pldoc.inputObjects | Yes | Comma separated list of SCHEME_NAME.OBJECT_NAME values to be checked for matching objects- these values may contain Oracle wildcards, e.g. "%" and "_" | HR.%,%,PM.%,SCOTT.%,SH.% |
maven.pldoc.showSkippedPackages | Yes | Display list of modules which failed to parse in log output and in generated documentation. | |
maven.pldoc.ignoreInformalComments | Yes | Ignore informal PL/SQL comments "--" when searching for PLDoc comments. | |
maven.pldoc.plscope | Yes | Extract amd merge PLScope information when generating documentation from the database | |
maven.pldoc.savesourcecode | Yes | Save source code to the file system when reading from the database | |
maven.pldoc.driverName | Yes | Fully qualified class name of the JDBC driver used to access a database. | com.timesten.jdbc.TimesTenDriver |
maven.pldoc.getMetadataStatement | Yes | A callable statement taking the same parameters as Oracle's DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL function. | "? = call PLS.GET_SOURCE_LOB( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )" |
maven.pldoc.getMetadataStatementReturnType | Yes | Integer equivalent to the java.sql.types constant returned by getMetaDataStatement: typically 12 (VARCHAR2) or 2005 (CLOB). | 2005 |