Maven 2 PLDoc plugin - document PL/SQL in Oracle and other Databases.

In operation, maven-pldoc-plugin is similar to the Javadoc plugin. The bundled downloads also contain example Maven POM and execution settings files for Oracle and other databases.


You need to add the following to your reporting section of your POM file:


Here is a example if you want to change the default configuration (location of sql files ... )

  • Since version 3.0.0, you can to change the default configuration using standard Maven fileSets configuration*
                    <-- <sourceDirectory>src/sql</sourceDirectory>
                    <includes>*.sql</includes> -->

    Here is a example if you want to change the default configuration (reading database code ... )

              <applicationTitle>Maven Goal Enterprise PLDoc</applicationTitle>
              <!-- sourceDirectory>src/test/resources/samples</sourceDirectory>
              <includes>*.sql</includes -->

    Database access requires Oracle JDBC classes: due to licensing restrictions, they are not hosted in Maven Central. A pom.xml file for an old version exists in the Maven Central Repository, but you will have to download the JAR file(s) and install them into your local Maven repository.

    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=${ORACLE_HOME}/ojdbc6.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackage=jar -DgeneratePom=true 

Other Databases

For other database types, the JDBC driver classes, metadata methods, metadata return type, must be specified explicitly.

The JDBC drivers are usually included with the database client software: make them accessible using the steps below:-

  • Install the database client;
  • Set an environment variable pointing to the installed client;
  • Install Maven artefacts for the JDBC drivers into the local repository;
  • Run "mvn pldoc:pldoc" or "mvn site".

    The example repository installation scripts and example scripts bundled into the distributions make these assumptions:

    Database TypeEnvironment Variable AssumedExample Installation scriptExample Command-line
    OracleORACLE_HOMEojdbc-mvn-install.shmvn -s maven_oracle_settings.xml -f pldoc-oracle-pom.xml
    DB2DB2_HOMEdb2jdbc-mvn-install.shmvn -s maven_db2_settings.xml -f pldoc-db2-pom.xml
    TimesTenTT_HOMEttjdbc-mvn-install.shmvn -s maven_timesten_settings.xml -f pldoc-timesten-pom.xml

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